Archive for March 12th, 2011

White Puffle Glitch!

March 12, 2011

Remember that glitch I told you about? Well, here’s a video link of the glitch.

Click here for the video!

If you don’t understand, here’s what happens. For example, a yellow puffle goes to sleep in the orange basket. While sleeping, it is white. When it gets out of the basket, it turns yellow again.

I have no idea what causes this! Let me know if this is happening to you!


More Igloo Rates!

March 12, 2011


Today’s igloos were found on Bunny Hill at 10:00am.

This igloo belongs to Cutie519.

I like it. Sort of a cafe theme going on there. 8/10!

The next igloo belongs to Ivy25.

I like this one, too! It’s simple, but appealing. Nicely done! 8.5/10!

Bye for now!


Jelly Bean Counters?!

March 12, 2011

Hey everyone! Bean Counters is updated with a new mode! Jelly Bean Counter! To play it, click the crease in the bag, circled below.

Then, jellybeans fall out. Click them, and you’ll be asked which of three difficulties you want to play. Here are the instructions:

Cool, huh? And I haven’t proved this yet, but I think you get more coins!

In other news, we recieve another message from G.

Everyone liking the new Puffle Shop? I know I am!

Can’t wait to play Puffle Launch!

